How To Start Writing Blogs in Five Simple Steps

Almost 7.5 million blogs are posted daily, and more than 409 million people view over 20 billion blog pages each month. With numbers like these, it’s clear that blogging has become a massive part of the online world.

It was around 1994 when blogging first started showing on the internet. Most people use them mainly to share their personal lives, their experiences, and even interests– yet now blogs have become a really big part of online marketing and career choices, but we are not here to get into the technical stuff.

How To Start Writing Blogs in Five Simple Steps

This guide is for those who, like you, are eager to start a blogging journey. You know how amazing it can be to share your insights and experiences with the world while building connections with people who share your interests. Let’s explore how you can make it happen.

Find What Makes You Tick

Let’s start by defining your niche. Your blogging career starts with what you love and are passionate about. That will be your foundation, so you should start with the topic that excites you the most. The best thing is that it can be anything, from gaming to traveling to food. If you are feeling adventurous and want to try them all, we say go for it. 

To make it short and sweet, before you start writing your blogs ask yourself these questions– What are your hobbies, What niche do you have expertise in, and how you can help others with your blog?

Finding Your Audience

After you have decided on the topic that makes you tick, it’s time to find your audience. First, you will need to understand your readers, which will automatically help you write content that resonates more with them. 

The best way to do this is by creating a persona. You can practice by picturing someone who you think will benefit from reading your blog. Think about the age group you are targeting, their interests, and what challenges they might be facing. This will help you set your tone and topic and guide your hand and writing style.

Prepare Your Content

Since you have finished doing the first two steps above in your mind, let’s begin the fun part, which means planning your blog. You have to treat your content planning as a roadmap since it is a long and winding journey towards your blog. It’ll allow you to “stay on track” and be organized. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Brainstorming Try to write as many ideas as you can from topics that you are most interested in – just don’t hold back and let your creativity flow to the most.
SchedulingYou can use a calendar to help you schedule your post. This can greatly help in deciding when to post.
Mix and matchYour readers will stick a lot longer when you have variety in your content, try sharing your personal stories, reviews, or even interviews.
Be FlexibleAs a blogger, you also need to be flexible. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to write on topics that are trending.

Make Appealing Content

Now here comes the core of your first blog post. One metier you have to remember is that to make your content more appealing you will have to write blogs that are engaging to your readers, that’ll make them come back for more. Let us tell you the best way to write an engaging and effective blog post.

  • You should start with a hook, which will allow you to capture the attention of your readers. Your hook can be anything from a question to a surprising fact or an anecdote—honestly, the list can go on and on.
  • Secondly, the tone of your blog is really important. Make sure to use a conversational tone and make your writing feel like you are talking to a friend. This will not only make your content feel more relatable but also enjoyable to read. The best practice we would recommend is to use short sentences and simple words, just like how you would talk to a friend.
  • Make your content more breathable. You can do that by using headings and bullet points. Another thing you can do is include images to break the wall of text. This will allow you to make your post look more pleasant and much easier to skim through. 
  • Blogging isn’t just about writing sentences that make sense, rather it is more about telling a story, as human tends to get more inclined towards creative tales. 
  • And now the finishing touch includes a Call To Action. You’ll have to encourage your readers to comment and even share your blog post or maybe even check out your other related posts.

Re-read, Edit And Publish

Congratulations, you have now become a writer, and just like any good writer you have to start polishing your post. You can start by re-reading your post and editing those rough edges around the corner to make your post feel smooth, so make sure you take your time. You can use this small and quick checklist to see if everything is in order.

  • Proofread and check for grammar or spelling mistakes. You can even use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway.
  • Make sure your links are properly linked.
  • Add images.
  • Try to use SEO practice.
  • Preview before publishing
  • Update your readers using Email. You can also make an attractive email template and an email signature design using some easy tools on the internet. 

To Sum It Up

Since its debut, blogging has been a big part of the internet culture, and now you can also be a part of it. So, how about we take a small recap, when you start your blogging career the first thing you need to do is…Correct, find your niche since it will help you find an audience with the same taste as you. Plan your topic in advance and use the tips we have mentioned to make appealing content and don’t forget to reread, edit, and finally publish your lovely blog.